Available studies (37 found)

Short citationFull citationBioassayEpidemiologyEpi. meta-analysisIn vitroEcology
Ahern M et al. 2011 Ahern M et al. Residence in coal-mining areas and low-birth-weight outcomes. Matern Child Health J 2011; 15 (7):974-9. PubMed DOI
Ahern MM et al. 2011 Ahern MM et al. The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in central Appalachia, 1996-2003. Environ. Res. 2011; 111 (6):838-46. PubMed DOI
Borak et al. 2012 Borak J et al. Mortality disparities in Appalachia: reassessment of major risk factors. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 2012; 54 (2):146-56. PubMed DOI
Brink et al. 2014 Brink LL et al. The association of respiratory hospitalization rates in WV counties, total, underground, and surface coal production and sociodemographic covariates. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 2014; 56 (11):1179-88. PubMed DOI
Buchanich et al. 2014 Buchanich JM et al. General mortality patterns in appalachian coal-mining and non-coal-mining counties. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 2014; 56 (11):1169-78. PubMed DOI
CDC 2000 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Silicosis screening in surface coal miners--Pennsylvania, 1996-1997. MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 2000; 49 (27):612-5. PubMed
CDC 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Pneumoconiosis and advanced occupational lung disease among surface coal miners--16 states, 2010-2011. MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 2012; 61 (23):431-4. PubMed
Cain and Hendryx 2010 Cain LR and Hendryx M. 2010. Learning outcomes among students in relation to West Virginia coal mining: An environmental riskscape approach. Environmental Justice; 3 (2): 71-77.
Christian et al. 2011 Christian WJ et al. Exploring geographic variation in lung cancer incidence in Kentucky using a spatial scan statistic: elevated risk in the Appalachian coal-mining region. Public Health Rep ; 126 (6):789-96. PubMed
Esch and Hendryx 2011 Esch L and Hendryx M. Chronic cardiovascular disease mortality in mountaintop mining areas of central Appalachian states. J Rural Health 2011; 27 (4):350-7. PubMed DOI
Hendryx 2009 Hendryx M. Mortality from heart, respiratory, and kidney disease in coal mining areas of Appalachia. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2009; 82 (2):243-9. PubMed DOI
Hendryx 2013 Hendryx M. Personal and family health in rural areas of Kentucky with and without mountaintop coal mining. J Rural Health 2013; 29 Suppl 1 ():s79-88. PubMed DOI
Hendryx and Ahern 2008 Hendryx M and Ahern MM. Relations between health indicators and residential proximity to coal mining in West Virginia. Am J Public Health 2008; 98 (4):669-71. PubMed DOI
Hendryx and Ahern 2009 Hendryx M and Ahern MM. Mortality in Appalachian coal mining regions: the value of statistical life lost. Public Health Rep ; 124 (4):541-50. PubMed
Hendryx and Entwhistle 2015 Hendryx M and Entwhistle J. 2015. Association between residence near surface coal mining and blood inflammation. Extractive Industries and Society. 2 (2): 246-251.
Hendryx and Holland 2016 Hendryx M and Holland B. Unintended consequences of the Clean Air Act: Mortality rates in Appalachian coal mining communities. Environmental Science & Policy. 2016. 63: 1-6.
Hendryx and Innes-Wimsatt 2013 Hendryx M and Innes-Wimsatt KA. 2013. Increased risk of depression for people living in coal mining areas of central appalachia. Ecopsychology; 5 (3): 179-187.
Hendryx and Luo 2015 Hendryx M and Luo J. An examination of the effects of mountaintop removal coal mining on respiratory symptoms and COPD using propensity scores. Int J Environ Health Res 2015; 25 (3):265-76. PubMed DOI
Hendryx and Zullig 2009 Hendryx M and Zullig KJ. Higher coronary heart disease and heart attack morbidity in Appalachian coal mining regions. Prev Med 2009; 49 (5):355-9. PubMed DOI
Hendryx et al. 2007 Hendryx M, Ahern MM, and Nurkiewicz TR. Hospitalization patterns associated with Appalachian coal mining. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Part A 2007; 70 (24):2064-70. PubMed
Hendryx et al. 2008 Hendryx M, O'Donnell K, and Horn K. Lung cancer mortality is elevated in coal-mining areas of Appalachia. Lung Cancer 2008; 62 (1):1-7. PubMed DOI
Hendryx et al. 2010 Hendryx M, Fedorko E, and Anesetti-Rothermel A. A geographical information system-based analysis of cancer mortality and population exposure to coal mining activities in West Virginia, United States of America. Geospat Health 2010; 4 (2):243-56. PubMed
Hendryx et al. 2012a Hendryx M et al. Adult tooth loss for residents of US coal mining and Appalachian counties. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2012; 40 (6):488-97. PubMed DOI
Hendryx et al. 2012c Hendryx M et al. Self-reported cancer rates in two rural areas of West Virginia with and without mountaintop coal mining. J Community Health 2012; 37 (2):320-7. PubMed DOI
Hitt and Hendryx 2010 Hitt NP and Hendryx M. Ecological integrity of streams related to human cancer mortality rates. Ecohealth 2010; 7 (1):91-104. PubMed DOI

Showing studies 1-25 of 37