Baba 2014

Risk of bias

Animal bioassay experiments

28-day oral Short-term (1-30 days)

Wistar rats of either sex weighing 150–200 g were procured from the Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) Jammu. The animals were maintained under standard experimental conditions with ad libitum feed and drinking water. The experimental design was approved by the University Animal Ethical Committee vide No. AU/FVSc/C-11/ 2,456-68 on ethical standards in animal experimentation. After acclimatization animals were randomly allocated to seven groups of six wistar rats each. Animals in the group I served as control and received only normal tap water for drinking. The animals of group II and III were provided with drinking water containing F at 1 and 10 ppm of water respectively whereas rats in Group IV and V were administered CPF through oral gavage at 1 and 10 mg/kg body weight respectively. The animals of group VI were provided both water containing F at 1 ppm and CPF at 1 mg/kg through oral gavage whereas animals of group VII received both F at 10 ppm in drinking water and CPF at 10 mg/kg body weight daily through oral gavage. The duration of repeated exposure of all the toxicants was 28 days. In order to minimize the possible instability, both toxicants were prepared fresh in drinking water. All the rats were weighed weekly to make necessary corrections in the CPF dosage as per body weight. After 28 days of daily treatment blood samples were collected from retro-orbital fossa using capillary tubes in heparinised test tubes (5–10 IU/ml of blood).