Zhang 2001

Risk of bias

Animal bioassay experiments

mice water subchronic Subchronic (30-90 days) Chemical solutions used in the experiment were prepared by dissolving sodium fluoride (NaF) and sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) into deionized water separately. Mice were randomly assigned into 13 groups. The control group was treated by feeding deionized water; the three fluoride dosing groups were treated by feeding NaF solutions at concentrations of 1 (low sodium fluoride group), 5 (medium sodium fluoride group), and 10 (high sodium fluoride group) mg/L; nine fluoride and selenite dosing groups were treated by feeding water containing different levels of fluoride and selenite as: 1+7.5, 1+1.5, 1+0.5 mg/L; 5+7.5, 5+1.5, 5+0.5 mg/L; 10+7.5, 10+1.5, 10+0.5 mg/L. Dosing period lasted eight weeks.; Test animals were based on male Kuming mice, weighting between 180 to 210 g, provided by Jinhua Institute for Drug Control.