Sun 2000 [translated in Sun 2008]

Risk of bias

Animal bioassay experiments

mice water chronic Chronic (>90 days) One group was selected as the control group and given plain tap water to drink. The other three groups were designated as high fluoride group I, high F group II, and high F group III; they were given tap water containing 100, 50, and 10 mg F/ L, respectively. All the rats were allowed unlimited access to food and water. After six months, the toxicology experiment was conducted, and samples of brain tissue were taken to test the cholinesterase activity levels.; For the study, 60-day-old Kunming mice, each weighing 15 to 18 grams, were selected. Prior to the experiment, the mice were subjected to an initial selection process, with mice that showed behavioral deficits disqualified from the study. Then four groups were formed at random, each group including 12 mice with equal numbers of males and females.