Bhatnagar 2002

Risk of bias

Animal bioassay experiments

mice NaF Subchronic (30-90 days) Control animals received deionized defluoridated water for 30 days. They were kept isolated in a corner of animal room for two days. The mice were kept undisturbed, and room was locked for 18 hr. Just after opening the animal room, all the mice were sacrificed by decapitation. Experimental mice were divided into three experimental groups-E1, E2, and E3. They received sodium fluoride (NaF) orally, dissolved in water for 30 days. Group E1 (N=4) received 30 ppm, E2 50 ppm, and E3 120 ppm of fluoride. These doses were selected on the basis of a pilot study and various reports available in literature.; Adult (3 months), female swiss albino mice (20, weigh 30 +/- 5 g) were used. Animals procured from JLN Veterinary Medical College, Mhow (Indore) were kept in plastic cages and acclimatized for two weeks to the laboratory conditions. They were provided food and water ad libitum. Animals were divided into control (C) and three experimental groups (E1, E2, and E3) of 5 animals each.